nar juiceharp castle

By the Back Door

when you know, you know
but i needed to be told
three days thickening the hallway
i asked my neighbor what it was

but i needed to be told
and kept my poker face
i asked my neighbor what it was
i did my best to believe

and kept my poker face
how uncomfortable for you
i did my best to believe
people will do anything

how uncomfortable for you
an inconvenienced love
people will do anything
ask me how i know

an inconvenienced love
it’s best to die on trash day
ask me how i know
what a dead cat smells like


Reader, be warier of milfs in your area!
A cousin, a night nurse, a bloodlusty librarian!
The rumors are true: the safe zone is shrinking,
no time for strategy, no time for thinking.
Help us to find the hot milfs in our midst!
We’re tired, we’re hungry, now will you enlist?
“Gerald the Sheriff! How bad could it be…?”
Shit! Two milfs thirstily tore him in three!
I hear them! They’re sneaking, I have not a doubt—
distinctly cavorting, and milfing about!
Some death for us all! This feels so familiar:
I’ll try not to come while milfing my milfer!

nar “grandpa juicebox” castle is a black queer nonbinary and neurodivergent boston-based writer and a student of The Gayl Jones School of Love. nar’s names are an homage to the speaking beluga whale Noc, to The Punisher’s fantasy of moral certainty, and to a foster cat briefly in his charge (don’t you forget me, Frankee). for more: